Camping or Camper Holiday in Sardinia

Camping or camper holidays - travelling by camper, motorhome or with a tent to Sardinia is very popular. There are more than 100 campsites in Sardinia, so you have a great variety of choices where to go. One very important thing about Sardinia is that wildcamping is prohibited. But there are possibilities that are somehow between camping and the outdoors. On many campsites you can also rent a mobile home or a caravan or a wooden house. However, in the season is also not a low budget option and especially the months of July and August are heavily frequented in Sardinia, so that a campsite does not really save much money.

Camper Holiday in Sardinia
When is the best time for camping on Sardinia?
When exactly camping season is, that depends on the personal preferences of the traveler. From March to about mid-May, it can be quite warm during the day, but it also is sometimes quite cold - especially at night. If you are not too sensitive, especially in this time of year, you will find a beautiful green environment and secluded beaches. It is not the time for bathing yet, but you will most likely have some days that allow sunbathing on the beach. The same applies to November, which is comparable to the early autumn in Central Europe.
High season with warm days and nights is about mid-May to mid / end of October. In the summer months of July and August, it can come to annoying heat. At the end of October, it is getting cooler again and the first rains will eventually set in again. In the high season, rain is very rare, in the low season it might be that you have to face stronger rainfalls - but they won't last for too long.
Camp sites are usually only open during the main season. In October you will most likely have a hard time finding a camp site. The same holds true for April.

Alternative to managed camp sites: Area sosta Camper
Pitches for your camper or camper van can be found under the name "Area sosta Camper" (RV park). Usually this is a pitch with water and electricity, which is usually available throughout the whole year. They are found all over Sardinia and there are over 250 of them. Some of them are even near the beach. The excuse "I have not found a campsite or pitch" does not apply. Prices range from around 10.00 to 25.00 euros per day - some pitches even offer a free night or a mini price to sleep there. A list can be found here:RV parks Sardinia.
Agricampeggio: Camping on a farm
Another alternative to the classic campsite is the so-called Agricampeggio. These are farms that usually rent rooms or apartments and mostly there is also a restaurant. Some of them offer the possibility to camp on the premises and to use the infrastructure. You can then just benefit from a good breakfast, available infrastructure such as showers or the disposal of garbage. The Agricampeggio is priced less than renting a room. However: The farms are often (but not always) low budget anyway, so that you usually get away with it anyway. Anyone who knows the Italian language, can also simply ask around at the destination or desired location. Often there is a helpful farmer or landowner who allows you to stay overnight.
Camping in Sardinia: A little bit wild
Basically, wild camping in Sardinia is prohibited. However: Especially outside of the season, there are some options that you can make use of. In compliance with some rules camping can be "a little bit wild" on Sardinia:
On beaches, in the open air and also on private property (signs can be found everywhere), vehicles and camping equipment is not allowed. The punishments are can be massive - up to 2000 euros for a misconduct, for example, if you are caught in a nature reserve.
Who is traveling with the camper and has drunk a glass of wine too much in the evening, may also sleep in the camper - that is not a problem. Comply with the rules mentioned here, so can spend quite a night without driving on the campsite.
Off-season police and other authorities are more inclined to turn a blind eye. You should not block roads or driveways and stay away from any place with street sign clearly making statements that camping is not allowed.
Stay off private grounds, nature reserves or beaches is important. Garbage must be taken with you. In principle, no traces should be left.
The danger of fires in Sardinia is huge - especially in summer, when the balmy nights invite to camp. Open fire is therefore strictly prohibited. You should therefore refrain from barbecues and campfires. In addition, it makes sense to place your camper or tent in a way that you are able to escape in case of a fire nearby. Never block important exits or streets that are escape routes.
Camping is not allowed where signs are saying "Camping vietato is in tutto il territorio". Here, the police usually patrols in the places that are popular for parking camping vehicles (they know exactly where the tourists like to go). Typically, these are particularly tourist places such as Cala Gonone. Some villages are for tourists only, Villagio turistico are the names of these places and they are well guarded. Never try to camp in here, otherweise you will be in trouble.
Outside campsites you have to be prepared for animals. These range from wild boars to dogs or cats and martens, who may pay you a visit. It is not very smart to leave food left outside, because that attracts unwanted visitors - for example, ants, which can be extremely annoying and in this case, it does not matter if you are on a real campsite or on one Area sosta camper.
Navigation: Discover Sardinia
Good to know: Information about Sardinia Food and drinks: Cuisine Transportation: Arrival and accomodation Places and more: Where to on Sardinia?
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