Public transport, bus and train, road conditions

Sardinia is largely made up of landscapes that are hilly or with many mountains. In some parts you will not find too many settlements, sometimes there are only a few or very small villages nearby. Although public transport can be used in Sardinia, the discovery of many places is impossible if you do not have a car, morotbike or bicycle. Going by car is clearly the fastest and easiest way to move around on sardinia and it also brings you to remote destinations. A camper van is also a great idea in order to find the most beautiful spots. In Italy - including Sardinia - you drive on the right side of the road.

Streets, Busses, Train, Bycicle or Motorbike on Sardinia
The road network on Sardinia
The road network in Sardinia is quite well developed. The main roads are in a good condition. In some ways, however, the road is quite bumpy and has potholes. To drive too fast is therefore not advisable, even if the Sardinian drivers oftten like to go very fast. Be cautios - it is not exactly cheap if you are getting caught by the police because you are driving too fast. Whithin the EU, it is no longer a problem for the authorities to claim the amount afterwards - even if you have been back from vacation for a long time. In villages, the same applies to road conditions and speed. Partly the roads are not in the very best condition - especially potholes are problematic. But that is not the case everywhere, there are also very comfortable sections. Especially in small villages or far away from the villages are also unpaved roads. They are rinsed by rains and there are sometimes very uncomfortable potholes. In some cases, it can also happen that you can not get along on such a dirt road, because a river in winter or spring blocks the road or because the earth is softened. As a rule, you can also get by with a normal car, a SUV is not needed. When driving at night you should be very careful because of the potholes and especially on dirt roads.
In some places, the roads are extremely narrow, especially in mountain villages like Jerzu, in Santu Lussurgiu or others. A bigger car or a camper can definitely raise problems there. So it might be a good idea to leave a larger car somewhere outside city centers or to rent a smaller car.

Don't worry. Not every street on Sardinia look like this one. Only here and then you should expect a road like this. It is not a problem to drive along a road like this, you only need to be a little bit careful. Maybe you have to clean the car here and then because the sand and dirt roads will make sure then you will not see anything any more through your cars windows.
Refueling and filling stations in Sardinia
It is quite common to fuel a car without making use of any service or a person to collect the money. Fuel dispensers replace person services. The dispensers accept cash and credit cards. Strangely a lot of credit cards tend to no work on those dispensers, even if they should do the job. So some cash in your pocket is vital to keep going. In some parts you will otherwise not find a gas station - especially on weekends or later in the evening. Fuel dispensers or fuel terminals accept Euro notes. If the gas station is staffed by one person, you can easily pay by credit card (VISA is perfectly working). You maybe used to gas stations that sell a lot of other things. That is not always the case in Sardinia. In most cases, you can only refuel. Some gas stations also have a bar - which means that you can drink an espresso there, get a snack and buy cigarettes. Cigarettes are only available in bars and other places that have sign saying "Tabbachi". The coverage with gas stations is good.
Out and about with a bike or a motorcycle in Sardinia
Sardinia is a dream for motorcyclists. Curvy, uphill, downhill - this is how it is for the most part on the roads of Sardinia. The usually great weather during summer time ensures driving pleasure. Driving around Sardinia with a bicycle is actually not really advisable. Even if the island beckons with great roads and paths: You have to be quite well trained to succeed here. In addition, the motorists of the island do not pay attention to cyclists. That's dangerous. For this reason, you should drive in a group and take very good care of yourself. In case of doubt, drive to the side and make a lot of space available - this is the safest way to get around by bike.
Public Transport: Bus and Train
On your way by bus and train in Sardinia? You can do that. But: It is adventurous. The train works quite well, but the connections are limited. So it can quickly happen that you arrive at in Olbia or Cagliari and simply cannot get any further because there aren't any connections. Tickets for busses and trains can be bought in larger cities at the counter. Otherwise, the tickets are available in bars. Many bars have a "Bigletti"-Sign on the outside, often it's just a hand-painted sign. It is best to ask residents for the next stop or for tickets (Bigletti). Public transport in Sardinia is great for budget travellers. For a long-haul - for example, from Olbia to Cagliari or vice versa, this may well be worthwhile.
Bus services are being operated by arst, Gruppo Turmo Travel and Deplano Bus. There are also Sun Lines Elite Service, Logudoro Tours, Redentours and Sardabus. But these lines only run on a single route.

The train connects larger cities, especially Olbia, Sassari, Oristano, Cagliari, Nuoro and Carbonia and it one way to travel on Sardinia. You may read about the "Trenino Verde", but that is more a touristic sightseeing train and not really meant for transportation. Information and tickets for the main routes connecting the above mentioned places can be found at Trenitalia.
Navigation: Discover Sardinia
Good to know: Information about Sardinia Food and drinks: Cuisine Transportation: Arrival and accomodation Places and more: Where to on Sardinia?
For your journey
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