Markets, Farmers Markets, Supermarkets and more in Sardinia

Shopping in Sardinia is a very versatile experience. Modern shopping malls in Olbia or Cagliari, supermarkets such as Eurospin or Lidl and more, farmers, markets and farmers markets as well as smaller specialised shops offer a wide range of various products. It is a pleasure to look around Sardinias markets and farmers markets or shopping malls and outlets. All of the larger towns have a weekly farmers market where not only fresh food is being sold. On weekly markets you will also find clothes, jewelry, swimwear, household goods and more. Fresh cheese, vegetables, meat products, fish or fruits and herbs are just some of the delicious food items you can buy on a market. In contrast to many supermarkets it is locally produced and it simply tastes much better than food from discounters like Eurospin or LIDL. The textiles and household goods are usually china products which is normal around Sardinia. If you like to buy handicrafts you should go and have a look around city or town centers where you will find smaller shops offering jewelry, clothing, ceramics, bags and similiar things. If you are seeking to buy fish, meat, bread, sweets and other stuff you may find specialised local shops to be the best places for shopping. The largerst market on Sardinia - the Mercato di San Benedetto - is an exiciting experience for foodies.

Markets, Farmers Markets and Farms on Sardinia
Shops, Markets and Farms
If you are staying in Sardinia for a while you might want to taste freshly grown vegetables and fruits, fish and seafood or Sardinan cheese, coldmeat, fresh pasta, pastries or bakery products. Be assured: It all tastes awesome. While basics such as water or rice can be found in any supermarket, the real taste of Sardinia is being found elsewhere. Unlike many other countries Italy still provides a great infrastructure with local shops. They are usually specialized on a specific range of products and you will find places like these in almost every town center. Greengrocer's shop can be recognised by the word "ortofrutta", fish and seafood is being sold in places named "pesceria", a bakery is "panetteria", a confectionery or pastry shop is a "Pasticceria", a butcher is being called "Macelleria". Those little shops offering fisch, meat, fruits and absolutely outstanding sweet bakery products are the best places for fresh and local shopping.
Another outstanding experience is to buy things directly from farms. Many farmers offer their products in their backyards or in trucks along the street and sometimes directly on fiels. If you keep looking around you will see wooden or plastic boxes standing beside the streets - mostly next to a gate to some property. In those boxes you may find some oranges or tomatoes. But: You really need to go inside. Usually you will find a gigantic selection of fruits or vegetables. In winter and spring citruses are growing in large numbers and you will also find boxes with oranges or lemons along streets with orange plantations. The fruits you can buy here cannot be compared to oranges or anything else from a supermarket: It is the perfect food experience. In addition: It saves you a lot of money. High quality for low prices - you will only get this when you buy directly from farmes.

Market in Cagliari: Mercato di San Benedetto
The mother of all markets, so to speak, is the Mercato San Benedetto in Cagliari. A market hall offers all kinds of fresh food on two floors. The variety is huge - the lower floor is reserved only for fish and seafood. Here you will everything one can think of: From the lobster to crabs or swordfish to sea urchins and other unusual marine life. Of course, mussels are also not missing here and bottarga (dried and squeezed fish roe) is one of the specialties of the island. Cuttlefish or sepia are also among the preferred foods in Sardinia.
The Mercato di San Benetto in Cagliari is one of the largest food markets in Italy and definitely the largest in Sardinia. No matter if you a there for your private pleasure or if you own a restaurant: This is the place to be. Very sensitive people may find this market hard to take: The sea food it fresh and some fishes and other products are still alive and you can smell the fish. Horse meat or sheep's heads and intestines are also part of everyday life in Sardinia and can be found on the market. If you feel that this is too much: There is also a great variety of cheese, fruits, herbs, breads and much more. The market open form monday to saturday, every day from 07.00 a.m. until 02.00 p.m. All around the market hall you will find small stalls with household goods, textiles, clothes and other useful things.

The market in Cagliari of course is not the only thing worth seeing. You may very well spend a few days or a week and more in this city. The historic center is full of places of interest and shops. Some are simply usual brand stores, some other ones offer creative local products. In Sestu - an industrial estate next to Cagliari - you will find the outlet center "Corte del Sole". If you follow the signs towards Sestu you cannot miss the Outlet center, there are street signs pointing out the way. Like to know more about Cagliari? No problem - here ist everything you need to know about Cagliari
Farmers markets or weekly markets
Every larger town has a weekly market. This usually takes place between 08.00 a.m. and 01.00 p.m.. Exact timing is not what really characterised Sardinians. That's why it's not worth it to be there too early. Ata bout 10.00 o'clock in the morning is the time when you can expected that actually all stalls are set up and you will also find something to eat.
The following list helps to locate weekly markets or to find out about special dates (places in alphabetical order). If no time is mentioned in the adjacent or list, this is a market in the morning.
In the more touristy towns of San Teodoro, Porto San Paolo and Olbia, evening markets are also held from June to September. These markets sell local produce and food, handicrafts and the like. Look around and if you have found something, ask for the price. Negotiation is quite common and it saves you money. Negotiating about food is not appropriate.

Market days in Sardinia
- Aggius: Thursday, Ales: Monday, Alghero: Wednesday, Arzachena: Wednesday, Assemini: Friday, Bari Sardo: Saturday, Bolotana: Thursday, Bosa: Tuesday, Budoni: Wednesday
- Cagliari: Täglich im San Benedetto, Cagliari: Sunday Fley Market along Viale Trento, Capoterra: Thursday, Cannigione: Monday, Carbonia: Saturday, Castelsardo: Friday
- Dolianova: Thursday, Iglesias: Monday, Iglesias: Antiques and used articles on every first saturday of the month - Piazza Lamarmora, Isili: Friday
- La Maddalena: Thursday, Lanusei: Thursday, Monastir: Thursday, Monserrato: Thursday, Olbia: Tuesday, Olbia: Oristano: Antique or used products and presents on every first saturday of the month - Piazza Eleonora, Orosei: Tuesday
- Portoscuso: Thursday, Palau: Saturday, Portisco: Friday, Porto San Paolo: Sunday, Porto Torres: Thursday, Pula: Tuesday
- Quartucciu: Monday, Quartu Sant’Elena: Wednesday, Murta Maria: Wednesday, Nuoro: Saturday, Nuoro: Sunday Antiquitätenmarkt, Oristano: Saturday
- San Gavino Monreale: Friday, Sanluri: Saturday, San Pantaleo: Thursday, San Teodoro: Friday, Santa Teresa di Gallura: Thursday, Santu Lussurgiu: Horsemarket in June (first Sunday), Sassari: Daily at the Piazza Tolu with large market on tuesday, Selargius: Tuesday
- Tempio Pausania: Saturday, Terralba: Friday, Tertenia: Wednesday, Tortoli/Arbatax: Friday, Villasimius: Saturday
Supermarkets and Discounters on Sardinia
The coverage with supermarkets in Sardinia is good. In larger towns or cities there are of course a lot of choices with different supermarket chains in Sardinia. Unlike man other european countries, shopping on Sardinia on Sunday is no problem. Most shopping centers and supermarkets are open on Sunday in Sardinia. If in doubt, you should simply note the signs at the entrance.
The supermarkets are not really cheap on sardnia. The situation on a island makes the transportation of goods relatively expensive. In particular, the fresh goods are often imported only from the greenhouses of europe or from other places in the world. If you want to save money, LD or Eurospin are your places. Other supermarkets lika CONAD have much greater variety of products
If you arrive at the airport or ferry port in Olbia there is a shopping center called AUCHAN next to the airport. Besides other supermarkets this is one of the top spots where people go shopping before they drive to their holiday home or hotel. AUCHAN is also found in other places such as Cagliari. Also SUPERPAN is similar to AUCHAN with a huge variety of products.
LIDL on Sardinia
Near the airport in Cagliari - in Elmas - you will find a LIDL supermarket. LIDL is also to be found in Quartu Sant Elena and Olbia-Tempio. Things like toilet paper, water, bread and other basics are very cost effective at a LIDL market.
Some people find it tempting to buy wine in low-cost discounters such as LD, LIDL or Eurospin. It truly doesn't cost much there. But you will a much higher quality for only a little bit more money in other supermarkets. Around italy and Sardinia it is quite common to find local wines in a supermarket, there is no need to go to a wine-shop (enoteca). Of course if you love wines, an enoteca is a good place buy if you love wine and want to have a larger variety or something more outstanding.

Navigation: Discover Sardinia
Good to know: Information about Sardinia Food and drinks: Cuisine Transportation: Arrival and accomodation Places and more: Where to on Sardinia?
For your journey
Maps and charts can also be useful. I have created some maps in order to orient yourself: Sardinia Maps.
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